Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009


Ahhaha.. gw baru aja g sngaja baca blog sherina, dan dengan sengaja bc blog raditya dika.
aneh y :))
bwt sbagian orang yg bc ini mgkn mkir "penting y?"
ato mgkn dah basi krn britany uda menyebar luas d situs" gosip, radio, tv, even twitter..
and a few days ago, i just caught them talking tenderly to each other with nothing to cover up anymore, keeps me giggling all the time i remember haha..
lucu y, sherina emg unpredictable (bwt yg ngerasa gw uda ngmg gini, sorry kl bosen :D)
what she do, and what she likes..
what she write, and what she read..
what she listen, and what she sing..
her image which is transforming suddenly and also her type ;)) - reminds me of myself a few years ago, when,,, am young *haha*
decided to love someone who just i feel comfortable with..
g ada pertimbangan lain", suka aja, pasti itu jawabanny kl ditanya :))

d blog, sherina puji" si kambing jantan..
tiba" gw jadi merasa g mo kalah jg puji" pacar gw (haha)

d samping emg gw jrg puji" sampe dy ragu gw bnran sk sm dy ap ga..gw mo coba :D
pacar gw itu....:
1. Jelek (oke, its totally screwing the theme)
2. Sabar, mo tggu gw dandan lama ato janjian lama bahkan sampe 2 jam lamanya..
3. Baikkkkkkkkkk,, dr mulai bwin tas kl gw cape, bliin makanan kl gw lg mls trs tdr"an seenak udel d tmptny, bliin gw kacang ijo kalo ngidam, jemput gw dan biarin gw tdr taw" uda sampe bkin gw brasa naik pintu kemana saja and so on..
4. Love his family, independent, and mature,
5. Has a good sense of humor,
6. Has a deadly sight ;))
7. Smart, and Down to earth
8. A good negotiator,
9. Always hear what i said,
10. Could run the business well,
11. He let me choose everything for date, vacation, even clothes... but he still has authority which somehow always make me not crossing it in any way..

(this picture is made by me for our 5-month-anniversary, in a spare time during SAP training in Monsoon :D )

Photo qta yg bagus ada d hp yg error dan g ada reaksi dcolok k usb xD
Well not a good way to express love, still a few more, but that's ok..
If he read this he'll think i was joking :))
di mata gw... pacar gw ttp yg paling jelek =p


Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Drama Queen

Ahahah i've just watch comedy movies..
a bit drama, a bit cheesy, but cute, inspirational, relaxing, imagining, ok stop.
these two are the movies i watch last weekend:

on saturday:

this story tells about how a success thrill woman (roled by Sandra Bullock, whose body was perfectly charming in her age! especially on a pencil shape skirt... *o*), struggles to save her blast carrier (since its he only good thing she has after her parents died), by not to be deported -due to not valid visa, by pretending to be marrying someone, who is actually her (sexy) secretary - Drew Paxton (figured by Ryan Reynolds), and.. you know how it ends =p

well, as i always do (over attention) on scenario, this film is a bit rather undemanding touchable, but undoubtfully sweet :)
here's the piece:

Margaret: oh, i can see any dissapointment.
Drew : yes you did. And, imagine my dissapointment, when i was standing alone, in a barn, wifeless. Because, i realized, that the woman i loved, was about to be deported. So, Margaret, marry me. because I'd like to date you.

hahaah.. ryan reynolds just so expressive saying this, especially the bold one.

on sunday (on dvd):

it's more complicated stories.
different people with their own love life problems, resist guy who chase after and running away from them. Finding what's right or not, string signs from a guy as a drama, whereas they realize something that sometimes, if we can't be the exception in love - which is in a fairy tale- patiently, tragically hoping someone and after YEARS you (finally) got his heart (after you 100 years old).. we can be the rule who set the ends as you wanted:)

here's the quotes i remember the most..
Alex, starred by Justin Long (who is somehow........ cuter that ever)
Gigi, starred by Ginnifer Michelle Goodwin, which his face, voice and clothes, is overall cute :D

Gigi: I would rather be like that, then be like you.
Alex: Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?
Gigi: I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there so much but at least that means that I still care. Oh! You've think you won because women are expendable to you. You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way but you don't fall in love that way either. You have not won. You're alone. I may do a lot of stupid shit but I'm still a lot closer to love than you are.

well in this film, not all is a happy ending..
but its ordinary powerful :D
refreshing me to start weekdays..
ops, one more, the narrator in this film also said..

"maybe the happy ending is just moving on. or maybe the happy ending is this: knowing after all the unreturned phone calls and broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment... you never gave up hope. "
(...friday, am in love in background)

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

isn't it beautiful?
can someone told me why do Americans simply can make exquisite quotes? xD


Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

in crush with phoebe russel

totally falling in love with this 5 years od Phoebe Russel.
she takes efforst collecting the cans, then get $1000 to feed thousands.
in a simple and innocent way.. just to finish her final project to graduate from his school.. :(
just can't imagine what adults can do if this girl can give so meaningful contribution to human society.. maybe she don't have any selfishness and subjectivity to others..

don't care what migh people say "impossible"..
and not hoping anyone's compliments..
if she wanted to help, she'll just then make it true..

and she did it asthonishingly..
very" adorable..
especially this letter:

(click to enlarge)

Many school in Indonesia should support practical examination like this..
so children in Indonesia would not ended up in jail because they don't care about the humanity..
so children in this country will care about themselves, olds, even animals..
and make here a better place to live..
and (still) then come the world peace :)



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