Jumat, 31 Juli 2009


some people who grow up (read: grow old) love to reminisce their old times..
and here is my oldies moment: The Moffatts!

not this moffatts:

(this when they called 'maturity')

but this one:

(the 'cupu' one =p)

yeap, scott-dave-client-bob! yayy i still remember the names =p
and my lips keeps wording:
1) If life is so short
2) Girl am gonna get ya
3) Girl of my dreams..
4) Love
and so on..

and my heart is blinky, patterned, pounding, scenting of youth spirit! (lebay)
i remember sweet times with my girl friends, singing those song together..
dancing, to the right to the left (oh no)
dreaming a prince charming come to us and singing, begging us to be their's such like that..
and now that we're grow up, we realize that nothing is really pure sweet :)

*ps: thanks to manyong who give me moffats album :D

Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Netweaver Poison!

oke, isi blog ini bukan ke-IT-IT-an.
yang bener artinya adalah: gw pusinggggggggggg..
gw pusing sm netweaver technology yg 1 ini, PI (was known as XI)
bentukny se.. sederhana aj sperti di bawah ini

(disensor atas kepentingan pihak" terkait :D, click to ENLARGE)

tapi krn kliatanny sederhana itu gw jadi kesel sndiri -> begini aj koq g bs hehe
pdhl asli dalemny mumet abis, tampilan menipu skalee..
emg se gw dah pernah dpt training, well bukan training, but introduction,
tapi langsung bikin, tapi(nya lagi) g hands on (bingung kn) tapi(oke, ini yg terakhir kalinya gw pake kt tapi) ad jeda kerja yg lumayan panjang, bgtu liat lagi smggu ini..
DUENGGGGGGG.. gw lupa :D
sbenerny mas pendi, senior gw dah sounding" gw suru baca material training, ttg netweaver, PI dll dan emg gw ckup ngerti di bagian integration buildernya, walopun g terlalu teoritis, krn lagi" langsung djejelin bikin, tapi di enterprise service builder a.k.a integration repositorynya...


gw g brani tanya banyak" krn qta smua emg g pernah dpt deep (serious) training soal ini,
jadi drpd gw tny" dan dtegasin lagi kl qta hampir g pernah urus yang itu dan itu urusan orang IBM malaysia.. mending gw (sok) cr taw sndiri..
walhasil, gw pusing mana di internet training materialny sedikit, krn d indonesia jarang ad yg pake jg, dan netweaver blm bgtu ngetop dsini.. jadi cm d client ini aja gw dpt referensi..
gw dah berusaha dan mentok di bagian "what need to be concerned when creating message operation mapping.."
well, sbnrny gw pengen taw syarat" gw harus bkin A ato B, linkage-ny masi rada brantakan di otak gw dan gw ngertiny cm spotong".. udah gtu gw ksulitan nemuin tampilan layar di bawah ini bwt explore:

(feel so moron.., click to ENLARGE)

gaptek banget ga seee xD
ya doakan saia smoga bsk (lbh bisa) ngerti lagi
tapi bsk otak gw kekny kepake bwt yg lain, training CO di monsoon!
gw lupa full day every thursday =.='
berarti gw bakal lewatin bbrp step PI development, walopun mo diupdate sm mas pendi hari jumatnya..
well, look at the bright side~~
bsk gw makan sushi (again, finally) dan fitness VIP membership free d citywalk (yeah!) sama meila =p for anyone who promote me, thanks for make it happen in a very appropriate time :D

oia, hari ini mobil gw mogok dan rusakny cukup parah :(
mari qta berdoa bersama" smoga gw cepet bs bli mbl baru.

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

World Peace

send my deepest condolences to all victims, and their family, of ritz-mariott tragedy.
who die, so be peace in heaven.
who left, then be strong and patient.
hope the bomber(s) get what they want so this disaster will not be happened anymore.
hope the justice 'emerge' from the wreckles.
and then come the world peace.

*heal the world-Michael Jackson*

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

really need to go back young

Have you ever felt like u’re old enough to dream?
Not be able to change your direction to breakthrough since it’s your save zone?
Or to laughing at yourself and too be so objective to say NO to something you don’t like because it is hip or maybe.. profitable?
Yes you’re an ADULT.
Am speaking about age, not maturity.
When we go old (and boring) we start to think what have just lost, instead of what we will get in the future.
Since we’re thinking that we’re the future.
What you are now, how you are now, start making you not comfortable. I don’t know if it’s carrier, love, looks, health, money, or mix of those (well, that sucks).
Sometimes bring you back to couple years ago, moment when you say YES or NO to some thing that change everything.
Makes who you are now.
For example me, if I was say YES to work in music institution with initial ‘P’, maybe I would not ended up like sitting in front of computers watching codes and numbers responsively, eating a box of cornflakes or instant foods to keep myeyes open for 3am in the morning (or worst I ever, 5.30am).
Or maybe I will still do that, but I have happy SMILE :) at me, thinking about the audience clapping their hands altogether after watching me playing.
Well, during the overtime I never see clapping hands (?!)
I also not sure about the SMILING face part, but hey it’s just kind of “IF ONLY” thing, there’s no rules =p
The worst, that be tag line is.
You started to think that you’re not somebody you’ve been wanted before.
Then you start sneaking some people’s life, begin from people near you.
Your best friend which maybe not working but happy, your friend who works and makes benefits double than you got, your friend who gets more credit card than you-makes she looks like more affordable, your friend who not thinking bout money but socially complete, your friend who can write/sing/play music/dance/cook better than you.
Lots more.
Congratulations for constantly being their selves until today *^^*
I am regretting several of things in my past life.
even simply, i regret yelling at my boyfriend just because my mood is now upside down.
But surely I can’t turn back time.
wishes exist to help you choose.

You know,
sometimes we can not achieve dreams, but we still can be close to it.

Cheers ^^

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

transformer membuat hape saia hilang!


3 hari blkgan ini berturut-turut gw mengalami KEHILANGAN. ilang tupperwear ksayangan, ilang charger hape, ilang charger laptop, dan terakhir: ilang HP :(( what a moron..
kmrn gw rengek" k pacar, blg "km koq mo py pacar bloon kek aq" - pdhl kl tiba" pacar sadar trus kabur, bahaya jg wekeke..
hape oh hape..
kesayangan gw yg bela"in pesen warna brown-warna kesukaan gw :(( design graphicnya.. desainnya..aghhhhhh d-a-m-n
kenapa se g ada orang baik di dunia grrrrrrrrr
ini dy knp gw blg film transformer berbahaya, krn hape gw ilang abis gw nntn TRANSFORMER!!!
awalny gw cm bales sms jhon yg nanyain program gw, trus hp gw taro d pangkuan gw.. nah karena seruny itu film gw sampe nganga bengong" g sadarkan diri.. gw bnr" lupa sama yg namanya hape,
ilang deh :(
bloon banget g seeee?? :((
kehilangan hape krn keasikan nntn transformer... =.='
terkutuklah orang yg ngambil..huh..
gw skrg g bs smsan, soalny hp esia gw jg masa tenggang abis.. mo online cari" hp bwt ganti baru, charger laptop ilang jg ahik.. akhrny pinjem thinkpad pacar..wikiki gw pake thinkpad seri X >:) ..kerennnnnnnnnnn dan ergonomis! suka dee....
agh gw jadi pengen banget thinkpad..s-h-i-t
y skrg gw lagi mengumpulkan kembali ingetan gw sm barang" gw yg ilang
gw rasa barang" tu ad d kantor, soalny lembur 2 hari lalu dah bkin gw g konsen sangat!
lmyn jg abis fish spa.. hhohho..kmrn gw cobain
bnr" GELI kyakaka tp lama" enk jg :D
tapi tupperwear gw yg (kyny) ktggalan d kntr kn g ktm tuh.. jangan" charger laptop gw jg :((
asset perusahaan tuh T_______T ms potong gaji gara" itu...
ilang charger, ilang hp, berarti bkl ad hp baru
ilang charger laptop, berarti ada laptop baru??? *ngarep*
agh gw pengen banget thinkpad,
dan samsung i780
-ato SE x1.. :(

tapi gw lagi mo bli mbl,
dan mo k surabaya, jember, bromo :(

ada penyandang dana yg mo bantu kemelaratan saia???
or i'd rather call 911?

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009



dsini lembur sodara-sodara..
gw d ruang private mini-karena mas pendi g ada dan dsuru gantiin.
udah tgl sm mas erwin doang, yg bolak balik srat srot kena flu (bukan) babi *hehe*
d luar masi ada linda, meila, inne, tuing, nanang, ken, lala, mas andrian, teguh, sm yg plg kasian sam - karena dtgguin berat sm mas erwin d sblhnya soale bsk mo in lieu :))
smntr gw nunggu tuing testing program yg gw bnrin, yg misinya adalah: kalo g naik production jgn harap bisa pulang.
yap, hr ini closing, d sap, skrg dah ganti taun jd 2010 =.='
interface masi ngaco" dan mesti feed ulang xml" d PI wlpn g skrg kekny..krn gunawan dah gugur a.k.a muleh..
kpala gw pun sbnrny dah pusing dr td siang, krn mkirin hal bodoh (baca: ftp) yg gw g pernah pegang tp harus sok taw uda bs =='
dan pacar jg harus sabar krn dah brp kali aja gw batal k kosan dy hahaha..
hari pertama binus 'sndirian', brasa kangen jg, dan seneng krn kek reuni lagi ktm meila-linda-teguh d minamas :)
ada yg lucu 2 hari ini, mas andrian tiba' sk comment hal" tak terduga.. dr mule muji gw hebat bs taw suara gearbox sampe tanya apa gw pernah ikut kelas table manner haha..
bkin gw serem melakukan sesuatu yg salah :D
trus si inne, yang maksa" liat jempol gw bwt liat ruas pertamanya, yg lurus apa ga garisny..
hasilnya, dy blg calon suami gw jelek, cm gara" krn garisny g lurus bwakakaka..
mas andrian tb" nyeletuk "berarti bener lo kl jadiny sm dadan" hahahahahahahahahahaha

tengkyu ne.
tengkyu mas andrian.

duh uda jm 1/2 9..
pala pusing, berat dan sangat ingin pulang..
tolong :(



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