Minggu, 27 September 2009

a wish (not) comes true (yet)

I have a secret, wish supposed to be not xD
It upsets me when you tell people and they do not believe if u really like what you are doing..
well, i think, the appeareance appeals which i gives to people was: a flashy fingernails shimmy" lipgloss barbie off the dirt?
thanks! but you know what?
I loooOOOOve (trying to make the long 'O' google effect) cooking.. so much!
even now i think am addicted to it.

well am still a beginner but i love to to cook anything.
especially when i did lucky to cook with simple ingredients and turn it "magically" into unusual food which my grandmother and my dad would say: "this is delicious!"
:D happy..

my latest brew was a marlin 'special" teriyaki which i made my only use: 2 marlin fillets, bombay onions, blackpepper, soya sauce, and a tip tea spoon of chinese five seasons (:p cook cheat) - cinnamons, star anise, cloves, fennel, and pepper)
it is very quick and easy to make and my grandma and my dad look satisfied =p yayyy

the stupidest part is...i forgot to take the picture xD

my head always juggling onions, mushroom, pasta, wheat flour, eggs, pepper, chili, and so on, and what i can do to them. And my mother is getting her new headache watching me cooking, and stay long.. slowly but surely, 'equipped' the kitchen :p.

i dont know why, and where i got this new habit.
as long as i know my favorite show now are: rachel ray (the cooking part), ala chef, and discovery travel and living.
is it an aging syndrome O.O? oh no..

Lately i thronged my brain with books of fancy breakfast recipe.
and then i found a beautiful picture of typical bread shape.
it's a waffle!
i totally fall in love with the shape..


and also the waffle toaster~! :D
i've visited an e-store, and it costs IDR 200,000.
not really expensive i think, but, i'm still thinking about it.

well, actually i can't stop thinking about it xD

am enjoying my hands smells like pepper, onions, paprica, etc and am still learning a lot :D

and am still finding people willing to be "guinea pigs" to taste my "brews" *hahaa*
happy cooking! :D


Kamis, 17 September 2009

a bit of touch

with a bit of touch of:

1) Pressure
2) "Irresistible" people xD
3) Unexpected circumtances
4) monotous environment & activity
5) Ego
6) hopeless efforts
7) impatient
8) economic & social demand
9) a pile of difficult material to understand xD, and
10) PMS

there are prompt ways to reveal your bad side of your character :))
which u don't absolutely know before..

so if you think you don't hv any bad side,
or you think you've known enough about your character,
and already listed down your Alter Ego..

never underestimate what those 10 would reveal

it works!

*salam pusing*

Rabu, 02 September 2009

earthquake, isn't it a crisis moment??

berasa bgt y dgoyang sanasini kek mainan tower bloxx..
gempa 7,3 SR d tasikmalaya yg sampe post ini dirilis (ehem) uda terjadi 72x gempa susulan..
eniwei, gempa susulan bhs inggrisny apa ya?
continuous earthquake? (gempa susul"an xD)
continuation earthquake? (gempa lanjutan @-))
subsequent earthquake? (ini baru bnr kekny stlh nanya sm tmn kantor yg 9 taun d amerika =p)

kmrn kl g salah skitar jm 15.12-an wkt workshop d ruang meeting tiba" qta smua "bergoyang"..
awalny qta g mkir kl itu gempa, krn biasa deh..
"ada yg goyang" kali" (walopun ank kcil jg taw kl ada orang goyang" g mgkn sampe se-lantai gedung goyang efeknya)
"pusing kali" (walopun jrg banget ad kjadian pusing massal)
akhirny someone of us run away and we followed it that way xD!

qta turun k bawah.
untungny krn cm lantai 3, tenggorokan gw yg puasa ini g kebangetan berasa hausnya :D
dan untungny lagi smua slamet, kluarga, tmn, pacar, smua slmt ALhamduuuulillah
wktu gw turun dan liat orang"
gw jadi ktawa" sndiri krn orang" itu ternyata lucu ya..

1.Susu, tmn kantor gw turun k bawah bw modem telkomflash, ini g membuktikan bahwa d saat gempa telkomflash bs berfungsi menyelamatkan hidup xD
2.Nanang, tmn kntr jg bawa buku serupa buku diary. Hal ini membuat gw bertanya" apakah dia smpet update DIARY saat turun tangga??
3.Mas erwin, bawa notes isi coret"an angka bwt closing. Sang project manager ini mgkn ttp manfaatin wkt turun tangga jg bwt itung alokasi kmudian hasilny dcatat d bawah =p
4.Irene, bawa" tas komplit + majalah fortune. Gw berpikir orang ini super duper prepare, bahkan sedia bacaan untuk menunggu waktu evakuasi selesai dan dnyatakan aman untuk naik kembali xD
5.Tmn" lain yg bawa hape, dan gw, ini wajar, krn qta butuh tlp sanak saudara dan orang" tersayang :D
6.Orang d gedung yg bawa bungkusan makanan :)) i'd rather think she was panic than prepared food while waiting to be evacuated or spending the time waited to be rescued.
7.Org kntr yg g bawa apa", mas pendi, ken dll, ini adalah orang yg bisa jadi too panic, bs jg care sm kselamtan sndiri dlu :D

but guys, cell phone is a MUST. apapun alesanny qta butuh komunikasi, rite :D

Kejadian lucu lainnya pas gempa adalah:
1. Sam, tmn kantor gw, bgtu turun langsung update twitter dan cm blg "earthquaaaaaaaake"
2. Mas didi, tmn kntr gw yg blg d twitter, "kl gempa ada hadist-nya untuk segera berbuka ga?" ahaha
3. Dan berbagai postingan lainnya d twitter yg bkin gw mkir, is it a crisis moment? or not?

Tp top of the TOP hari ini adalah tmn gw, Mayang.
tmn gw yg kbtulan lagi ceting pas gempa langsung tulis:
"GEMPAAAA tls aja dulu",

g pake mkir kl gempa TIDAK terjadi LOKAL :)) skali lagi GEMPA g terjadi LOKAL may :))
ahahah, gara" dy crt ini gw ktawa sndiri d kntr :D

akhrny line ini jd lucu"an qta bersama dan qta mkir kmungkinan" lain about last word they typed before run from earthquake yesterday :D

A: GEMPAAAAAAAA...brb (mgkn dy berpikir turun k bawah wktuny sama dgn cm skedar mampir k toilet)

A: GEMPAAAAAAAAA.. off dlu y (mgkn dy berpikir untuk bw laptop dan matiin modem, gulung charger,copot mouse, fdisk..and so on.. then head to emergency stairs)

A: GEMPAAAAAAAAAA..gtg (ini aga wajar mengingat kl gempa mmg qta harus Got To GO)

A: GEMPAAAAAAAA.. miss you (orang pacaran yg olwes tls ini sblm pamit)

tapi ttp aja yg plg lucu hari ini y itu..

A: GEMPAAAAAAAA... tls aj dlu...
ada g y orang yg bales cetingan stelah dkasi taw ad gempa
hhahahahah (g bs berenti)

piss may :D




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