Kamis, 17 September 2009

a bit of touch

with a bit of touch of:

1) Pressure
2) "Irresistible" people xD
3) Unexpected circumtances
4) monotous environment & activity
5) Ego
6) hopeless efforts
7) impatient
8) economic & social demand
9) a pile of difficult material to understand xD, and
10) PMS

there are prompt ways to reveal your bad side of your character :))
which u don't absolutely know before..

so if you think you don't hv any bad side,
or you think you've known enough about your character,
and already listed down your Alter Ego..

never underestimate what those 10 would reveal

it works!

*salam pusing*


mayang on 17 September 2009 pukul 08.19 mengatakan...

#2 = *wahahahah* >> mksdny biar ky di blog gw yg bikin baca jd ga ting.. kwangkwangkwang

*salam tempel aj d*



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