Jumat, 31 Juli 2009


some people who grow up (read: grow old) love to reminisce their old times..
and here is my oldies moment: The Moffatts!

not this moffatts:

(this when they called 'maturity')

but this one:

(the 'cupu' one =p)

yeap, scott-dave-client-bob! yayy i still remember the names =p
and my lips keeps wording:
1) If life is so short
2) Girl am gonna get ya
3) Girl of my dreams..
4) Love
and so on..

and my heart is blinky, patterned, pounding, scenting of youth spirit! (lebay)
i remember sweet times with my girl friends, singing those song together..
dancing, to the right to the left (oh no)
dreaming a prince charming come to us and singing, begging us to be their's such like that..
and now that we're grow up, we realize that nothing is really pure sweet :)

*ps: thanks to manyong who give me moffats album :D


Mayang on 3 Agustus 2009 pukul 02.51 mengatakan...

monyang manyong monyang manyong.. >.<
manggil nama org sembarangan ae.. -.-"
btw itu foto yg ud mature.. yg clint yg mn yg bob yg mn y ble.. wekekek..
ngganteng :x

tiara on 3 Agustus 2009 pukul 02.58 mengatakan...

yg bob yang gondrong.. eh yang dah bejenggot?
bob yanggg pake bajuuuuuuu abu" kekny.. soale pas si bob dpotong, mendadak si clint jdi jelek :))
auk de bnr ap ga



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