Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

A couple, Two Movies, Personalities :)

tears-flood-animal-movie - besides lassie, and free willy. :'(

I've just finished Marley and Me, tears flood :(( and sadly whining to my boyfie, by texting him, while he.. was watching Ninja Assassin.
Very different movie genre. But we didn't bother share the story to each other.
Then the funny conversation happen.
Me : "aaagh sedih banget Marley and Me :( mo nangis"
Him: "koq nangis yang, sini *peluk* ujan gede ni" (yeaa i know he's not interested in melancholy, but yet funny, i kept bother him :P)
Me : "anjingnya matiiiiii.. banjir deh ToT"
Him: "koq mati?"
Me: "y udah tua.. sedih bangetttt ToT"

..15 minutes and no text message was coming.
..tears are dropping.
..curious at the end and came back texting him.

Me : "ih kamu cuekin lagiiii"
Him: "iya sayang, kan anjingny uda tua, gpp lah, uda takdir"

i suddenly laugh.
it's the most kindly weirdness comment i've ever heard from my boyfriend.
Some of my ex-es, was don't care. Am sure he also was. But the way he trying to understand and on the contrary being real-as a gentle man- was tickling me. :))

Then he send another text message.
Him: "Filmny seru ne yang, tapi gambarny jelek".
Me : "yoda g usa nntn lah, jelek gtu aq g suka."
Him: "Bobo yok yang, uda malem"

Me was.. "LOH?"

he was annoyingly-innocently sweet :-*


D4N on 22 Februari 2010 pukul 20.01 mengatakan...

kok lucu? it was reality,,, well, maybe sometime reality could be funny

Ariza on 18 Mei 2010 pukul 00.49 mengatakan...

ihh lucunyaaa... :D



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