Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

2nd Graduation

To my project-team-colleague,
Here's our first day, work separately from each other.
I would like to say..

Thank you to my friends,
It's very very fun to work with you all.
Nice to have so much amaaaaaaazzzing experience of our crazy-overtime until so long hard discussion :)
Learning how you all expert-to-be, study from the same level, 'till achieving what u already got now.
It's very appreciated me a lot, knowing success people from the very beginning :)
U all such a great learner, great student, great warriors, great consultant.
Thanks for completing my first-work-life-journey in this field.
I learn a lot. :D
--hope u learn something from me *wink*
I'm gonna lost my childish and sharing moment with Meila, and feelings as a little sister of Linda, make Susu as a joke of highschool chic hahaha.
Not to mention my twin-syndrome and salmon maki time with Chan-chan, consult ABAP things and enjoying dave koz with Teguh, and last but not least my fighting and laughing time with Pandu :)).
My asking-babies-thing-question-habit with Ms.Tavitha, u're baby would be as beautiful and smart as you are :). Thanks for guiding me along this time. Understanding my tu-la-lit "gift" hehe. And forgive me for errorS i made through Dev and QA testing =p.
Thanks for trusting me and support me to become also FI consultant like you. I'll learn :D
Ouch, i missed one person, also lucky meeting this senior consultant-businessman-and amateur comedian, eccentric combination isnt it?
Mas dadan, never thought that am gonna missing you. We'll be always together, rite? ;)

Thanks to BiNus team,
Which take care of us seriously..
Thank you so much for giving us such a tutor-attention. Forgive me if we're doing something wrong. And appreciate us when we do something right.
You were the first for us, and so we were.
We felt such a homy environment - and condusive also.
We're learning a lot - about finance, business, management, relationship.
Will miss the time mostly with Elia, Eka, and FIS team which working hard to achieve smooth go live.
Esp. Jhon, huhu, gonna miss u a lot my friend.
Thanks for helping me and supporting me on doing ABAP program @_@. It was fun to have a partner like you. Please keep my legacy for you =p 25 interfaces, 17 enhancements, 8 reports, and so on as you can find in realisation folder haha.
You can contact me anytime - inofficially :D
Thanks to Juki, Adit, Sisi, Eko and Ferry - yang uda mendaulat gw jd model colongan, bs jadi kenang"an skrg kl diliat :( blm py poto gw rambut pendek kn? *winkwink*
Thanks bwt philip, yang di awal" sering gw recokin dgn pertanyaan" g penting hehe. Sayang y lippp lo g bs liat rambut gw panjang lagi :(
Not to forget thanks to Mr.Ari, which with-no-intention open my carrier path in this field. You're such an eccentric PM i've ever seen. Hope you will always success in work, and also love life ;)) *oops.
Thanks to All Finance team, which trying so hard together, so we can start closing soon :)
Thanks to BiNus,
Thanks for hatching me out from the egg :)
Gonna miss you all

Ps: @ BiNus: also very" thankyou for boost-internet-speed ;)) c u at next project (maybe?)


zz on 7 Juni 2009 pukul 20.52 mengatakan...

Gw pertamax!!!!
Ouch, i missed one person, also lucky meeting this senior consultant-businessman-and amateur comedian, eccentric combination isnt it?
Mas dadan, never thought that am gonna missing you. We'll be always together, rite? ;)
Akhirnya dipublish juga ti!!!! HIHIHI!

Bong mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

emang tiara ma dadan ada apa ?

tiara on 7 Juni 2009 pukul 21.00 mengatakan...

yg anonim" tulis namanyaaa T__T

zz on 7 Juni 2009 pukul 21.01 mengatakan...

@anonim-ke2. Kata tiara sih ga ad apa2 dy ma mas dadan. DULU!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

what have hapenned will never come back
just wish you the best :) thank you ti for the time we had had together

tiara on 7 Juni 2009 pukul 21.26 mengatakan...

@anonim-ke2. Kata tiara sih ga ad apa2 dy ma mas dadan. DULU!!! -> sirik aje lo su, lo kn polos su.. DULU >:)
@meila : komen lo plg nyambung d antara yg lain haha, sedih de mei :( thanks jg y bwt smuamuanya ya, c u again on next project yaaa

Anonim mengatakan...

komen gw juga nyambung....

yang ini :

Anonim mengatakan...

tebak saia siapa.. wkwkkw.. -penyelundup-

Anonim mengatakan...

lp nulis komenny..-.-"
postinganny melihatkan sisi melancholisny siy penulis wkwkwkw..

*nah br d.. tebak saia siapa.. wkwkkw.. -penyelundup-

Dadan mengatakan...

I'm not really a senior
I'm not a businessman, still so much to learn how to run it
and i just always try to be funny

but, i do wanna be with you *hug*

zz on 8 Juni 2009 pukul 19.29 mengatakan...

@dadan: Uhuk2... PDA aj nih.. :P
-> ngiri gitu gw! hahaha...

Bong mengatakan...


Bae bgt dirimu ti, memberikan hadiah yg sangat special....
25 interfaces, 17 enhancements, 8 reports, etc.
Thanx a lot ti T___T

God luck girl... ;)
U are the Best

Unknown on 8 Juni 2009 pukul 23.43 mengatakan...

ayo sini berantem!! ngajak ribut loe? wakaka. jk ti, wish u all the best.

mayang on 9 Juni 2009 pukul 08.15 mengatakan...

ciyeh mas dadan.. skalian go public.. :D

tiara on 9 Juni 2009 pukul 08.22 mengatakan...

@pandu, wish u all the best jg du ;;) ayo brantem bughbughbugh
@mayang, opo tho ndo'..penyelundup ih *oops*
@jhon a.k.a bong.. hehe gud luck jhon..nnt kl dah lbh jago lagi, pindah ibm?

mayang on 9 Juni 2009 pukul 11.38 mengatakan...

iiihh iih kok gtu siy.. kok di ksh tau siiy tii.. wkwkwkw..

K on 11 Juni 2009 pukul 10.51 mengatakan...

dramatis bgt tulisan lo ti :p hehe.. good luck yaa :)

tiara on 13 Juni 2009 pukul 20.28 mengatakan...

hehehe i'd love to write and express every single thing =p
thanks k.. c u!



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