Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

pikiran kotor

do you know what kind of thought bothering you so much about friend?
that when you feel she/he act differently,
that when you think she/he likes you anymore,
that when you think she/he's not giving anytime for you both together,
and more clear when she/he never mention you at his case..
that when you feel no relationship-not familiar-instead of boundaries.
that when you start to feel you're the only one who's trying to be in relationship..
that when you feel she/he's not listening to you seriously,
that when you feel strange,
that when you can feel anything but distance,

you can not say we better break up.
Friendship is forever, right? *sigh..
will friend (like this) be forever?


Anonim mengatakan...

i just want to keep u as my bestfriend.. no matter wut do u want..no matter wut do u think.. i just want it.. about it'll be forever or not.. rrr.. i don't know =D
but for sure.. i'll trying to keep this friendship to be forever.. :">


tiara on 13 Juni 2009 pukul 20.24 mengatakan...

huuuuuaa :((
nyong jelek xD
aneh ah lo kl melo

penyelundup on 14 Juni 2009 pukul 10.15 mengatakan...

ah siaul.. bc ini lg bc ini lg.. :)) ud ah abis ini emoh liat lg.. postingan yg ini.. hahaha.. jgn dikomen lg.. biar gw ga pnsrn pengen liat komenny.. hahaha..

*biar aneh tp kan tetep lucuuu.. ^^v kl elo mah kl melo emg aneh ga ada lucu2ny.. =D

tiara on 18 Juni 2009 pukul 01.31 mengatakan...

comment lagiiiiiiiiiii bwakwkawkakwak
ih gw lucu kali
g melo aj lucu ;))



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