Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

A couple, Two Movies, Personalities :)

tears-flood-animal-movie - besides lassie, and free willy. :'(

I've just finished Marley and Me, tears flood :(( and sadly whining to my boyfie, by texting him, while he.. was watching Ninja Assassin.
Very different movie genre. But we didn't bother share the story to each other.
Then the funny conversation happen.
Me : "aaagh sedih banget Marley and Me :( mo nangis"
Him: "koq nangis yang, sini *peluk* ujan gede ni" (yeaa i know he's not interested in melancholy, but yet funny, i kept bother him :P)
Me : "anjingnya matiiiiii.. banjir deh ToT"
Him: "koq mati?"
Me: "y udah tua.. sedih bangetttt ToT"

..15 minutes and no text message was coming.
..tears are dropping.
..curious at the end and came back texting him.

Me : "ih kamu cuekin lagiiii"
Him: "iya sayang, kan anjingny uda tua, gpp lah, uda takdir"

i suddenly laugh.
it's the most kindly weirdness comment i've ever heard from my boyfriend.
Some of my ex-es, was don't care. Am sure he also was. But the way he trying to understand and on the contrary being real-as a gentle man- was tickling me. :))

Then he send another text message.
Him: "Filmny seru ne yang, tapi gambarny jelek".
Me : "yoda g usa nntn lah, jelek gtu aq g suka."
Him: "Bobo yok yang, uda malem"

Me was.. "LOH?"

he was annoyingly-innocently sweet :-*

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010


the medals, read 'till the end to know what it is :P

Aloha bloogle :)
It's been a while.
I was on trip surrounding Singapore, and visiting my married friend there. Enjoying some other atmosphere, not bad for forget some deadlines and pile of work :D.
Not a very real vacation, felt just like a 'drop by'.
But the most memorable memory was i learn kind of lot things there.
Eating something new there.

sushi for $SGD 0.99 /plate!

(I eat a very affordable delicious sushi promo for $SG 0.99 cents!) my picture above is the evidence! :P
Meeting new friends, and it was fun!
Haha. My fun holiday could be only that simple :)

Last Sunday,
I had a called from my friend asking me to come on Kick Of Meeting on Monday Morning.
Yes it is the most laziest day on weekdays.
Yes i just got back Indonesia after kilos walking and need a "feet-rest".
I refused to come but she was insisted.

With a super laziness and reckless in clothing.
(Well, the dress code was jeans, but since i still have to go to work, i wore a cotton work trousers).
I misunderstood my friend direction and I registered into the wrong desk.
I registered my name in attendance list, but it turns out that I should registered on awardee desk.

Yes, I am an awardee :D

And my friend was an awardee too.
We sat on the same desk, written w/ our name on paper, glued in the seat handle.

the awardee seats

There's 15 Awardees with different award.
Me was Best Performance in 2009 (my office's fiscal year of 2009 ends on this February).
Given in recognition of service excellency.
I were happy. And can't keep thinking who chose me to be sat there.
Whoever did it, thank you so much :)

Me was surprise, weird, but.. i love the Medals above:)

Here it is.
Hopefully it can boost my carrier on future.
Not a bad surprise for someone whom back from her holiday hehe.
Wish me best luck :)



Jumat, 08 Januari 2010


I don't quite capable to distinguish between Resolution and Obsession.

Both seems to be a goal for me to achieve.
Maybe obsession is kind of goal which less of reality check.
Sometimes I Obsessed becoming Carrie Bradshaw (?)
Which is tend to.....: impossibility.
A Resolution, maybe like, "i wanna be a writer and say meaningful things just like Carrie Bradshaw".
Well, I better not mentioned Carrie Bradshaw again. It's not an even comparable.

My last resolution in 2009 was 5 out of 10 accomplished. Not bad.
After I reviewed, Most of them seems vaingloriously declared.
Most of those resolution only affected me. I will be more focus, concise, and bigger changes effect perpective.

1. I want to be more active in social foundation, not only volunteer, participant, but also prior executor to bring changes to society, especially focused on education & poverty.
2. Life healthier. As i a bit lazy to exercise, i will be focused on swimming, and holistic treatment :D
3. I want to be more care to my friends, and paying attention to them precisely one by one.
4. I wish to be a better daughter & human being for my family & God, more care, more diligent, and more religious.
5. Since i love Wordplay, and Quote soo much, i need to take extra language course to improve my skill, yet perfecting my English and start writing after a year pending! XD
6. Me want to learn more about Cooking, taking course if possible, make it as hobby and also starting business.
7. Expand my network, doubling friends, by joining organizations/courses.
8. Promise not taking more than 2 course this year.
9. I want to take care of my body more intense, and change my look more mature. From head to toe.

Only 9. I leave one for my Obsession. As I wrote before, Obsession (my version) is kind of goal which less of reality check.
Well am hoping miracles happen, and we are all ready so we, boyfriend and me, could make this dream comes true.

10. Make our relationship tightened and up to next level.
Amin 10x, for my 9 Resolution and 1 Obsession.

Good luck for myself, and wish me luck.
Happy belated new year!

Cheers :D



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